Thursday, December 6
Read Numbers 25
Think About It:
- What does it say about human nature that the people committed harlotry and worshipped the Baals, even as God was visible to the people?
- What are some aspects of God that are revealed in this chapter?
Family Time:
- What did the people do that was wrong? (Verses 1-3)
- Have you ever tried to follow God AND be like the world?
- God says that we can’t love the things of the world AND love God. We can’t serve two masters. It doesn’t work!
- The man who stepped up and stopped the evil things that were happening was rewarded because he was serious about following God’s way. Are there people around you who are doing wrong things? Do you join in or do you choose to stand up for Jesus and obey HIS way?
- Parents, pray over your children to be zealous for the things of the LORD, and not to be swept away into the compromises and sins of our culture. And let’s check ourselves as their examples in this!!!