Friday, November 30
Read Numbers 20
Think About It:
- The Israelites are complaining again. How do Moses and Aaron handle the situation? What did the Lord tell them to do?
- Did they do as the Lord commanded? What was the outcome of their actions?
Family Time:
- What did Moses do right? (Numbers 20:6)
- What specific instructions did God give Moses and Aaron? (Numbers 20:8)
- Did Moses obey completely and correctly?
- List what Moses did wrong. (Numbers 20:10-11)
- What were the consequences?
- Moses disobeyed God one time. Because of his disobedience, he would not enter the Promised Land. We never know what the consequences will be when we disobey. That’s why we should always try our hardest to obey completely and correctly the first time or we may miss out on the ‘promised land’ God has for us.
- BONUS: Who was Miriam?