Thursday, November 22
Read Numbers 13
Think About It:
They took their first wavering step of doubt when they asked Moses to let them search out the land before the entire nation went in to engage the enemy in battle (see Deuteronomy 1:22). Moses endorsed their request and got permission from the Lord to carry out the plan. The Lord wanted to teach the Jews a lesson. They needed to learn to trust the Word of God and do the will of God His way and not their way.
In reality, they learned nothing new. They did see every pagan nation that lived in the land, it was good land, it was filled with incredible fruit, milk and honey – all as the Lord had said. This is the land the Lord had given them to possess. Because they lacked faith, all the spies except Caleb and Joshua were discouraged at the prospect of entering the land and fighting the enemy, and their discouragement quickly spread throughout the camp. Doubt had turned into unbelief and unbelief is rebellion against God. These men identified Canaan as “the land to which you sent us” and “the land through which we have gone.” Not as “the land the Lord our God is giving us.” Because these ten men were walking by sight, they didn’t really believe God’s promises.
- It is hard to trust a god we have not seen or heard. But that is not the case for the Children of Israel. Why do you think they had to spy out the land first?
- Why do you think Caleb and Joshua were ready to take the land and the other 10 were not?
- What is in your heart? Do you see the One who is able to conquer every enemy and who sees the nations of the world as grasshoppers?
Family Time:
Memory Verse:
Older & Younger Children: Numbers 13: 27
God told the people that He was giving this land to them. But many of them did not believe that they could take the land. This meant that they did not trust in what God had said to them.
- Is it sometimes hard to trust the Lord for your life needs? Think of a time you had a hard time trusting God. Discuss this time with your family.
- The spies reported that the land had giants in it. Do you think that God could defeat giants? Why do you think that the people doubted?