Monday, November 19
Read Numbers 10
Think About It:
- God was specific in the making of the silver trumpets, as he was when they were to be used. When were they to be sounded and for what purpose?
- After being at Mount Sinai for almost one year, God prepared the people to start their journey to the Promised Land. What was the purpose for the Israelites camping at Mt. Sinai for almost one year after leaving Egypt?
Family Time:
The two silver trumpets were used to help the Israelites to stay organized and know what to do when they were moving. There were a lot of Israelites, so it was important for them to understand what they were supposed to do. Does your family have a way to communicate with each other? What is it? How would your way of communicating have worked for the Israelites? How would two silver trumpets work for your family?