Monday, November 12
Read Leviticus 26
Think About It:
- How does God’s promise in verses 3-5 contrast with the curse in Genesis 3:17-19?
- While you have the stories of the Bible at your fingertips, showing God’s statutes, do you still struggle to follow them all the time? Do you find it difficult to put God first?
- Do you find that your motives are always consistent with God’s statutes and your love for Him? Do you ever find yourself trying to be “good for goodness’ sake,” or do you do all things because of your love for Him?
Family Time:
Read chapter 26 from Leviticus together as a family. When you have finished work on the memory verse and then answer the questions as a family.
Memory Verse:
Older & Younger Children: Leviticus 26:46
In this chapter, two ways are shown to us. What will happen if we do right and obey the commandments (verses 1-13) of God, and what will happen if we do not obey (verses 14-39). God reminds us of what to do to get back to where we need to be if we have been walking “contrary” to Him (verses 40-45)
- Have you ever walked “contrary to the rules in your home? What happened and how did you get back on track?
- Pray together and ask your heavenly father to help you and your family walk in His way.