Wednesday, October 31
Read Exodus 18
Think About It:
- In verse 11, the stories of their deliverance proved God’s power exceeded any other explanation for Israel’s freedom from Egypt. What stories can you tell others that prove God’s hand is at work in your life?
- In verses 16 & 20, we see the difficulties in leading so many. Today we have Jesus, our example, the bible (God’s Word to us) to study and God’s Holy Spirit to teach us as we read His Word. How else does Moses’ life differ from pastors and leaders today?
- Verses 3 & 4 suggest Moses’ gratitude for God’s help and provision in the meanings of his children’s names. How do we recognize seasons in our life that God brings us through today?
Family Time:
- Why was Jethro concerned for Moses after he saw all the people coming to Moses from morning to evening?
- Give two suggestions (advice) Jethro offered to Moses?
- Who was to give approval to Moses to follow Jethro’s suggestions/advice?
- Tell why you think Jethro’s suggestions were either good or not so good.