Tuesday, October 30
Read Exodus 17
Think About It:
- Why would God command the Israelites to go to a place where there was no water?
- The Israelites not only questioned and blamed Moses for the lack of water, they also tested God. What spiritually immature belief has the Israelites questioning whether God is with them or not?
- Why did Moses stand on top of the hill with the rod of God in his hand?
- What is the significance of naming the altar, “The-LORD-Is-My-Banner?”
Family Time:
- Again, the Israelites grumbled against Moses, this time for water. How does God respond?
- Describe the events of the fight against the Amalekites.
- How is the power and love of God revealed in this chapter?
- Aaron and Hur held up Moses’ arms to keep his arms from falling and to ensure victory against the enemy. How can we “hold up the hands” of our spiritual leaders?