Saturday, October 27
Read Exodus 14
Think About It:
- The Lord told Moses to have the children of Israel camp by the Red Sea. What happened while they were there (besides the children grumbling and Moses praying)? What did God promise if they moved forward in faith?
- Fear causes doubt. What were the miracles of the Red Sea crossing? Could you have trusted God’s protection and walked across on dry land? What did the children think when they saw the dead Egyptians?
Family Time:
- After Pharaoh let the Israelites leave, he again changed his mind and set out to bring them back. After all that had happened, why did Pharaoh still not want the Israelites to leave Egypt?
- In verse 12, the Israelites are afraid when they see the Egyptians pursuing them. They tell Moses that it would be better to serve the Egyptians than to die in the desert. Again, after all that had happened, why do you think the Israelites did not have faith that God would deliver them from the hand of Pharaoh?
- The Israelites walked on dry ground with the parted sea on both sides of them. Do you think they were afraid that the water might come down on them? What do you think they saw if they looked at the walls of water?
- Possible Activities for the Week – The Story of Moses (all kinds of games, crafts, worksheets, etc.)