Thursday, October 18
Read Exodus 4
Think About It:
- Moses complained to God, a lot! What was his biggest concern about talking to the people? How did God answer these complaints? How willing are you to do what you feel God wants you to do?
- What were the three signs? Which ones did Moses have to use?
Family Time:
- Why did God turn Moses’ staff into a snake?
The snake (or Uraeus) was a symbol of “Wadjet” – an early Egyptian goddess who was said to control and protect the land. The imagery came to symbolize Pharaoh’s sovereignty, royalty, deity, and divine authority in ancient Egypt. It was used in the headdress of the king of Egypt.
Using the symbolism of the snake God was showing Moses that He alone is God in control over Egypt – Not Pharaoh. He is the one true God who is sovereign over the land of Egypt and a higher authority than Pharaoh himself!
If you take all three of the signs God gave to Moses it is reasonable to see them as God showing His control over Egypt compared to Pharaoh’s false claim to be a god.
- Sign 1 (Ex 4:3) – The snake shows God is sovereign over Pharaoh.
- Sign 2 (Ex 4:6) – The leprosy of Moses hand. Leprosy was often a punishment for pride when individuals acted as if they were God; (see Numbers 12:1–12; 2 Kings 5:22–27; 2 Chronicles 26:16–21). So the second sign shows that God intends to punish Pharaoh.
- Sign 3 (Ex 4:9) – The water turning to blood. God is in control even over the physical land/water of Egypt. So the third sign shows that the goddess Wadjet is not even able to protect Egypt’s water from Moses’ God. It is a sign of God’s deity over Egypt.
The signs were given to Moses to explain what God was planning to do for the people in order to build their confidence and trust in God (see Exodus 4:29-31). (Word@Work—
- Is God obligated to show us his power? Why then does he show us his power?
- In what ways in your life, out of his love for you, has God revealed himself to you?
- In verses 10 and 11 we see Moses finding excuses why not to obey God. Are there times when people in authority over you ask you to do something and you find excuses why not to obey?
- In verse 24. The Lord is about to kill Moses. The reason is that he has failed to follow God in even the simplest act of circumcising his son. As Christians we need to make sure we are following what God is instructing us to do. We can’t just tell people we are Christians. Are you ever tempted to tell people how to behave as a Christian when there are sinful things in your own life?