Tuesday, October 16
Read Exodus 2
Think About It:
- When do you think that Moses realized that he was Hebrew by birth?
- When Moses saw the injustice of an Egyptian soldier beating a Hebrew brother, he reacted. Did Moses do the will of God at that moment? What could he have done different?
Family Time:
- Moses’ mother kept and hid Moses because he was precious to her. Is God precious enough to you that no matter what the consequences you will not let him go?
- Are you willing to miss a sport or activity or something important so that you can be at church?
- Are you willing to give time to Jesus everyday by being in fellowship with him?
- Is God precious enough to guard your eyes and ears and heart from things that are not pleasing to him even if that means changing the music you listen to, the video games you play or the friend you hang around with?
- When reading in Exodus 2:12 we see that Moses killed his enemy. We may tend to think that we would never do what Moses did. However, in Matthew 5:22 and in 1 John 3:15 the Lord tells us that hate is exactly like murder.
- Have you ever looked at someone with hate? Pray now and ask God to change your heart and forgive the person you are holding those feelings against.