Saturday, October 6
Read Genesis 41
Think About It:
- What does verse 16 say about the character of Joseph? Would you make this proclamation if put in the same situation?
- What do the dreams that Pharaoh had tell us about life?
- Joseph had been in prison for two years before he was called by the Pharaoh to interpret his dreams. Have you ever waited on the Lord to move in your life? What has God revealed to you during the waiting period?
Family Time:
- Who had a dream that troubled him (verses 2 & 8)?
- Who was called to tell the meaning of the dream (verses 9-14)?
- Who did Joseph say could give the meaning of the dream (verses 15-16)?
- What did Pharaoh say about Joseph (verses 38-39)?
- Who did Joseph become… what was he given (verses 40-45)?
- Did God take care of Joseph and keep his word? (Remember his dreams?)
- Was life always good and easy for Joseph?
*Sometimes we think that life will be all good and easy if we are a Christian. But God never said that – in fact, He tells us that in the world we will have trouble! But it is important for us to see in this example, that even through the difficult, lonely, unfair, and painful times that Joseph went through, the LORD was with Joseph! We can also trust God with ALL that happens in our lives! Be faithful to God, like Joseph was. God is always faithful to us, and He has a plan for our lives. He will work out everything for the good of those who love Him. If there are difficult things your family is going through, take time to pray together and give them to the Lord and put your trust in Him! Be blessed!