Friday, September 28
Read Genesis 24
Think About It:
- What do you observe that makes you realize that Abraham lived out his faith in God in front of his household?
- When it comes to marriage, how many differences do you see in their culture vs. ours? Do any of them bother you?
Family Time:
Putting your hand under someone’s thigh sounds weird. It was a custom to seal an oath. Not weird at all – like shaking hands.
It was required to give water to a thirsty stranger but NOT animals. This was unusually kind. An average camel can hold 25 gallons of water. This man had 10 camels! This was no ordinary woman! Abraham received clear direction on finding Isaac a wife. Abraham’s servant did not just go to this land hoping to stumble across the right girl. God provided specific directions. God also sent an angel ahead of the servant to prepare Rebekah’s heart. God is in all things. We can’t always see how he is working things out – until he does.
Has God ever told you to do something? Did you obey? Were you scared to follow? What if God doesn’t give us details, should we still follow His directions?