Monday, September 24
Read Genesis 18
Think About It:
- Considering verse 14, what in your life do you think might be “too hard” for the LORD?
- Look at verse 19 and replace Abraham’s name with yours – how do you feel when you read it?
- In reading verses 23-32, are you comfortable reasoning with God in prayer like Abraham did?
Family Time:
Memory Verse: Hebrews 13:2 “Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels.”
- (Genesis 18:1-8) It was proper in those times to extend hospitality to travelers even if they were strangers. Abraham was offering food, water and rest to these three travelers. Isn’t it interesting that Abraham had one of his servants kill and prepare a whole calf for these men? It is often hard for families today to open their homes even to friends for a simple peanut butter and jelly!
How well does your family do with hospitality?
If it is easy for you – why? Do you use this blessing to show God’s love?
If it is hard for you – why? What keeps you too busy? What are you embarrassed by? How can you change either your thinking or your lifestyle to be more like Abraham?
- (Genesis 18:9-15) Abraham did not expect to gain anything from his hospitality – except maybe a friend. He had no idea one of the three men was actually the Lord until v. 14, after he had treated them with such kindness. Do you think that could happen today?
Do you think you have ever missed a chance to minister to the Lord in disguise? Keep your eyes open and listen to the Holy Spirit. God is everywhere!