Saturday, September 22
Read Genesis 17
Think About It:
- What attribute/s of God do you see in this chapter?
- In what ways have you doubted God’s ability to answer your prayers or take care of you?
- How have you tried to “help God out” in answering your prayers?
Family Time:
Read Genesis 17 together as family. Work on the scripture verse together and discuss the following questions as a family.
Memory Verse: Genesis 17:3-5 – older children
Genesis 17:3-4 – younger children
Abram fell on his face before God in verse 17 and laughed at what God told him. He had doubts about God’s promise to give him and his wife a son because they were so old. He did not believe that God could do what he promised.
- Have you ever been in a situation where you doubted God could do what he promised, or that God could help in a situation you were in?
- Is there anything that God cannot do? Discuss this with your family to see how you can find answers to any doubts you may have about the strength of God.