Saturday, September 15
Read Genesis 7
Think About It:
- Why did God say, “Come” not “Go” into the Ark?
- We know righteous is ‘right with God.’ What does that look like?
- Does this destruction of mankind seem overly harsh to you? Does it glorify God? In what way?
Family Time:
- Describe what you think it might have been like on the ark with all those animals, Noah and his family.
- What happened outside the ark?
- Noah knew what God had planned to do and yet “Noah did everything just as God had commanded him.” He must have had other family members and friends and neighbors who were going to be left behind after God closed the door of the ark. What do you think you would have felt if you’d been Noah?
FACTOID: Even though it rained for 40 days and 40 nights, Noah’s family and the animals were actually in the ark for a year and 10 days! (Genesis 7:11, 8:13-14)
- Describe what it would be like if you and your family were in a boat for over a year.