Friday, September 14
Read Genesis 6
Think About It:
- How did Noah find grace in the eyes of the LORD?
- God used Noah’s obedience to save his family; much like Jesus saved us, His family. In what other ways does the story parallel our world today?
- Noah probably did not get invited to the neighborhood barbecues, but instead of pleasing man, he pleased God. How did it pay off for him? Consider your choices in pleasing God, not man.
Family Time:
- The Bible says, “The Lord was grieved (extremely sad and disappointed) that He had made man on the earth, and His heart was filled with pain.” Why do you think God felt that way?
- What did God say He would do?
- Tell why you think God chose Noah to build the ark?
- What do you do when your “heart is filled with pain?”
FACTOID: According to Genesis 6:15, the ark was a least 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet high. That’s about half the size of an aircraft carrier, which is more than 1,000 feet long and can carry 5,000 people and 90 planes. Noah’s ark could hold as much cargo as 330 railroad cars.